We have finally come to the month of December. Only two more weeks left of learning before winter break. We can finally say how much the students have grown in their learning and more.
Unit 2 - Unit of Inquiry
How We Organize Ourselves
Global Food Production
Central Idea: People have developed systems for producing and distributing food around the world
Grade 5 completed Global Food Production unit. Partners took used the SOLO Taxonomy rubric to compose a Google slides presentation as their summative assessment. In a mock scenario, one partner acted as the minister of agriculture and the other acted as minister of transportation to propose a sustainable practice to their target audience.
Unit 3 - Unit of Inquiry
Who We Are
Growth and Development
Central Idea: Changes people experience during adolescence affect their evolving sense of self.
Students are moving forward to learning about their physical, emotional, social, and intellectual changes. Their curiosities sparked while they participated in tuning-in activities with their groups.
Jigsaw Graphic OrganizerGroups wrote directly on the puzzle pieces what they knew about physical, emotional, social, and intellectual changes. The graphic organizer gives students a visual understanding how these changes are connected to each other.
“What if…”
…..people didn’t go through puberty until the age of 25?
…..all emotions stopped at the age of 13?
….all the changes that happen in puberty happened on the day of your tenth birthday?
….nobody taught us about the changes that would happen to us during adolescence?
….adults thought in the same ways as a nine-year-old?
Students were highly engaged writing and discussing about the possible consequences.
Success Criteria: Use functions to solve problems.
Learning Intention: Write and solve algebraic equation word problems using inverse operations.
Each student created a word problem for classmates to solve.
“I’m thinking of a number. I (insert operation here) by (insert number here) and then (insert operation here) (insert number here). The answer is (insert number here).”
Parent and Seisen Staff Participation to Aid Student Learning and Connection
Parents and Seisen staff, please access the padlet.com to post a photo of you when you were 9~11 years old with a mini story of your experience as an adolescent.