Thursday, 16 February 2017

Dancing Like Professionals

Grade Five students spend part of their year studying dance and the other part studying drama.

In Dance class students have been analyzing still poses of professional dancers.  Professional dancers display great confidence in their ability to create balancing and expressive poses.  By using these dancers as role models, students can be risk-takers to create their own dance piece based on their poses and go further using additional dance concepts.

Students analyzed the poses based on their level, namely the distance from the floor.  Low level poses are on the floor or in that region, while high level poses are reaching toward the ceiling.  Poses can be low, middle, or high.

Students chose three poses, one from each level, and connected them together.

Students practice their sequence of three poses inspired by professional dancers.
Dancers perform alone and with one another.  Students explored the various ways in which they can dance together.
Here are some the relationship poses they used:
     In front/ in back
     Above/ below

Students danced with three different partners (one for each color) using their original pose sequence and then in the above relationship poses with a partner.

Here are just a few photos of their beautiful work.

Low level poses in a supported relationship
Supported pose with two different levels

High and Low levels in a "near" relationship

 By putting these elements together, students are beginning to create their own choreography.  As we progress through spring semester, watch for their growing confidence to express their ideas through dance.

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