Tuesday 28 February 2017

5B Getting Fit In Health Related Fitness

Central Idea: Exploring four different fitness components while participating in heath related exercises and fitness tests, which benefits health and well-being. 

Key Concepts: Responsibility, Change, Form 

Learning objectives:

-Students will learn the short term and long term effects exercise has on the body
-Students will be able to recognize exercises and which fitness component group they are a part of 
-Students created a fitness station with various exercises and had to put classmates through their fitness circuit station
-Students participated in a variety of fitness tests and were able to learn more about the importance of goal setting and reaching their fitness potential 

This was a great way to lead into the past week of Health Week at Seisen and recognize the importance of mental health, sleep, time management, proper nutrition and regular exercise! 

Thursday 23 February 2017

Particle Energy

How the World Works: Does it Matter

Central Idea: People use their knowledge of properties of matter to suit specific needs.

Line of Inquiry: Conditions that cause reversible and irreversible changes in matter.

Learning Intention: 
To describe the structure of particles in a solid, liquid and gas. 

Students commenced by first formulating a testable question: does the temperature of water affect the food dye powder?

Groups then planned for an investigation, showing awareness of variables with guidance from the teacher. They determined that the temperature of the water (hot, room temperature, and cold) will be the variable that is changeable whereas the amount of food dye powder and the amount of water will be the controlled variables. Students were able to make a simple prediction about the outcome of the experiment. 

After completing the planning process, students carefully measured the temperature of water in each beaker. One group measured the temperatures to be 15 degrees Celsius, 20 degrees Celsius, and 48 degrees Celsius. In excitement, they added the food dye powder to each water-filled beaker and observed the changes. One member of the group was responsible for measuring the time it takes the powder dissolves.

Groups essentially agreed to repeat the experiment as they reflected to use less amount of powder to allow faster dissolving time.

Monday 20 February 2017

Semester Two Learning Outcomes

Below you will find the Semester Two intended learning outcomes for all subject areas.  Click on the links to view and download the documents.  If you have any questions about these learning outcomes, please contact your child's homeroom teacher, our PYP Coordinator (Michael Hughes), or our Elementary Principal (Sandra Mulligan).

Thursday 16 February 2017

Dancing Like Professionals

Grade Five students spend part of their year studying dance and the other part studying drama.

In Dance class students have been analyzing still poses of professional dancers.  Professional dancers display great confidence in their ability to create balancing and expressive poses.  By using these dancers as role models, students can be risk-takers to create their own dance piece based on their poses and go further using additional dance concepts.

Students analyzed the poses based on their level, namely the distance from the floor.  Low level poses are on the floor or in that region, while high level poses are reaching toward the ceiling.  Poses can be low, middle, or high.

Students chose three poses, one from each level, and connected them together.

Students practice their sequence of three poses inspired by professional dancers.
Dancers perform alone and with one another.  Students explored the various ways in which they can dance together.
Here are some the relationship poses they used:
     In front/ in back
     Above/ below

Students danced with three different partners (one for each color) using their original pose sequence and then in the above relationship poses with a partner.

Here are just a few photos of their beautiful work.

Low level poses in a supported relationship
Supported pose with two different levels

High and Low levels in a "near" relationship

 By putting these elements together, students are beginning to create their own choreography.  As we progress through spring semester, watch for their growing confidence to express their ideas through dance.

Monday 13 February 2017

A New Way Of Learning Subject-Verb Agreement in the EAL Class

A New Way Of Learning Subject-Verb Agreement in the EAL Class

Numerous EAL students have struggled over the years to understand the rules of subject-verb agreement. In the EAL class they are exposed to the “S Rule” early on. The “S” stands for the s which is on the verb when it is used with a singular subject, for example, “She likes dogs.” and no “s” on the verb if the subject is more than one ( person / object/ living thing), for example, “They like dogs.” 

This week, grade 5 EAL students have been shown a visual way to represent these rules by using colored Unifix Cubes. First, the students were shown the cubes on the paper below.

It was explained to them that the single red block stands for a singular subject. If the subject is more than one person, two or more red blocks can be used. The single yellow block represents the verb with an s at the end, for example, likes. The two yellow blocks represent the verb without an s at the end, for example, like. The blue blocks represent the rule breakers or odd balls. Two blue blocks show that the subject is greater than one, but it takes a verb that goes with a singular subject. For instance, I is a single subject, but it takes a verb that goes with a subject that is greater than one, in the case of presents verbs. “You” can be a singular subject and it also takes a verb that goes with a subject that is greater than one. 

Once the students were able to follow the pattern they were given a set of subjects to match the blocks with to show that they understood the rules.

After that, the students were asked to write down the rules that go with the blocks.

Finally, the students made posters to show the rule.

Hopefully now that they have a better understanding of the rules for subject-verb agreement, they will apply them when they write.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Integrating Maths into the Unit of Inquiry

As the grade 5 move into the How The World Works unit of inquiry and begin to investigate properties of matter, it seemed like a natural fit to start a mathematics unit on measurement.

During their first trip to the science lab, with the help of Mr. Johnson, the lab technician, students set about to investigate the question, 
"Does mass change as a material goes through a phase change?” 
Students carefully measured the mass of a beaker with ice and sent the ice through a phase change using a hot plate. When the ice was melted, students remeasured the mass to find if their was any difference.  

After completing the first investigation, students reflected on their results. Many students were surprised to find that the mass of the water was less than the mass of the ice. It seemed the answer to the question was, "Yes, mass is lost during a phase change." Upon further reflection, many students wondered if their measurements were accurate enough. Perhaps there is a way to get more reliable results? Students then designed another experiment with more variables controlled and a more precise method of measuring the mass of the water- in all its phases.

Most groups concluded that some of the water was being lost as a vapour so they were unable to measure its mass. Students know that one property of a gas is that it wants to spread out and fill the open space. Groups came up with a variety of ways to trap the gas so it could be measured along with the liquid water.  In Rosa and Limie's experiment, they used a balloon on top of a beaker to trap the gas. Based on their results, a tiny bit of gas may have escaped. They found a difference in mass of 0.2 grams. Not bad for only the 2nd try.

Here is Jian, Tanatswa and Sunaina talking about their investigation.
In addition, students did a bit of research into this topic on the conservation of mass. We watched a short- yet very dramatic- video about Antoine Lavoisier. Widely considered the father of modern chemistry, Antoine Lavoisier is credited with proving the conservation of mass. Students were surprised to learn he did over 1,000 experiments before he was confident his measurements were correct. We're hoping 2 is enough for us! 
Click here to watch the dramatic video. 

Besides the practical application of measurement through science investigations, students are also working on measuring the different attributes of shapes and events- specifically perimeter, area and volume.

After spending some time constructing a definition of area and perimeter, and developing a method for calculating the area and perimeter, students were given the following 2 questions to investigate:
Students worked out the answer in a variety ways and explained the thinking and process in their notebooks. However, being scientists, we need proof!
Method 1                                                                Method 2     

After working individually and conferring with a few partners, students reflected on this activity by consulting their deep mathematical thinking checklist in their notebooks. As a class, we have been exploring the concept of growth mindset and what that looks like in a maths class. We came to the conclusion that getting the correct answer isn't nearly as important as testing out ideas, persevering, making connections to previous learning, and defending your position-to name just a few. As class we decided which of these attributes we were using while investigating these questions. 
For an overview of growth mindset, the science of learning math, the importance of perseverance, the multiple ways to 'see' math, visit the youcubed.org website. This comes from the research of Jo Boaler from Stanford University. It is filled with great information for parents, students, and teachers.

Friday 3 February 2017

States of Matter

Grade 5 have entered into a new month and a new unit! Over the coming weeks, students will be inquiring into their new central idea: People use their knowledge of properties of matter to suit specific needs. Students exhibited great enthusiasm to get their hands on science materials during the first week when they had a chance to show their existing understanding of states of matter. 

Unit of Inquiry 4 - How the World Works (States of Matter) 

Central Idea: People use their knowledge of properties of matter to suit specific needs. 

Getting Started Activities 

We use this stage of the inquiry to hook the students' interest, to get them asking questions about the new unit, and to identify their current understanding and any possible misconceptions they may have. 

Learning Intentions: 

  • To use lab equipment safely. 
  • To show my existing understanding of states of matter 
  • To give reasons and explain my thinking

Students commenced by viewing various experiment centers, and used their thinking skills to connect to their prior experiences to develop explanations and questions about states of matter.

The next day, students collaborated with partners to sort and classify cards under solid, liquid and gas headers. Some of the examples presented were quite tricky and ambiguous and were chosen for that reason - to get students debating with each other, presenting reasons for their choices and defending their decisions. Partners shared their reasons with each other to explain their thinking. We had some surprising results! While students were sorting the images, they were thinking about reversible changes in matter.

We look forward towards our next destination in our learning!

Music Composition Unit continues

In Music, the Composition Unit continues...

Students explore one way to create their own music. They are writing an introduction, interlude and ending(coda) to a known tune they sing. Students compare ideas with others, in order to improve their compositions and eventually their performance.