Sunday 13 November 2016

Making a Difference Through Dance

Where is my home?  Where are my friends?  Where is my school?  What happened to everything I loved? How would I feel if I were a refugee?

Learning Objectives:

Students in Gr. 5 have been reflecting upon these questions through dance and drama in an effort to create an integrated Drama/ Dance piece. 

Learning Engagements:

Dance students responded to various videos, including those reflecting the life of Syrian refugee children.  They watched dance videos for inspiration, including work by choreographer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui.

Through improvisational activities, dance students began by exploring feelings of suffering and injustice.  To tell the story of a refugee child's life, students began by imagining a refugee's life before the war began. Working in pairs and small groups, dance students created joyful dances of childhood.  Then students imagined how a refugee child's life changed.  They connected to feelings of fear, anger, sadness, helplessness, and exclusion.  They created still poses to convey these ideas.  In small groups, students used three poses to create a short dance sequence about leaving a place. Students wanted to show feelings of being trapped and confused.  They brainstormed dance movements to capture these feelings.

The Drama students created characters and lists of words to set the mood of each section.  Dance students reacted to this, and developed their remaining choreography.

Students continued to revise their piece and practice as an entire fifth grade class.  The collaboration between drama and dance became a seamless piece of art.

When students arrived at St. Mary's International School, they encountered a change in the performing space.  They revised their dance to be performed on four different levels. They worked with limited rehearsal using the sound, lighting, and space.

Their performance for Refugees International Japan charity concert captured the essence of the theme "Light Up The Light of a Refugee Child."

We are proud to announce that the concert raised over one million yen to benefit refugee children.

Gr. 5 Dance/ Drama RIJ Performance 2016 "Origins"

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